Predicting the weather is a tricky thing – especially when looking at a passage of 10 days.  While modern forecasting can look out that far (just) the models become increasingly unpredictable the further out you look.

So last night, after packing up the boat with all provisions, setting up the hydrovane, handing out the lifejackets and going over last minute details, we were just settling down to the last shore dinner when we got word from Bob McDavitt that there was now a gale forecast for the approach to Foveaux Strait so Foveaux is a NO-GO.

Gale warning

Expected Gusts

Needless to say, this was a big disappointment, but rather than proceeding with the possibility of having to reroute north to Nelson (resulting in a longer trip to Christchurch), Alex has decided to wait for the next weather window that will allow a Foveaux Strait passage.

Funnily enough, the same weather issues plagued Alex last time he was waiting to cross…
New Zealand 2018 Waiting for Weather

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