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We picked up a good breeze halfway across Frederick Henry Bay and hoisted the sails to enjoy a cracking sail home.

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We spent a busy 1 ½ weeks in Hobart picking tomatoes, weeding, and celebrating a significant birthday and then, when we saw a nice big weather window approaching, took the bus back to Beauty Point.

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Thirty-six hours of light wind to no wind meant motor-sailing the whole way across Bass Strait. Not anyone’s idea of fun. But at least I wasn’t seasick!

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We left Rusalka in RBYC for a week while visiting family and friends, all the while keeping an eye on the weather for opportunities to continue eastward on our circumnavigation of Bass Strait.

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After a relaxing morning, we set off from Apollo Bay around midday, in order to arrive at Port Phillip Bay heads around slack water.

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Apollo Bay is a pleasant beach town, with lots of families strolling the streets, fishing, playing in the waves, and generally enjoying the weekend.

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The wind continued to blow from the east all of Monday and Tuesday. On Wednesday, just for variety, it blew from the west.

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After less than 24 hrs on the mooring we noticed some chafing of our line where it was sliding back and forth on the bow roller.