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Alex only had to wait until Saturday morning for a window to head north. It was a bit rainy and lumpy seas to start, but he soon got in his stride and, with engine thrumming, crossed Foveaux Strait.

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After a lumpy start, the winds eased and the sea settled for the rest of the run up to Stewart Island. Just after 11pm Rusalka anchored in Paterson Inlet, not far from Oban, the major settlement on the island.

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After 12 adventure filled days in the Auckland Islands it was time to turn the boat towards home.

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Another blow came through overnight, picking up in the morning to a steady 35-45kts and gusts into the 50’s. But the anchor held fast despite two 180° changes of wind direction when the blow came in.

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Rusalka dug the anchor in at Tagua Bay in Carnley Harbour, ready to ride out the next blow, due on Sunday night.

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The team arrived back at Enderby Island late morning yesterday, only to find that the bay there (Sandy Bay) was filled with dinghies off the Heritage Adventurer cruise ship.

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Wednesday morning the crew woke (late) to rain and fog. The original plan to pump up the dinghy and then to go ashore on Enderby Island was abandoned as the forecast suggested that an early move to a different anchorage was required.

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The wispy cirrus clouds didn’t result in a blow at sea level on Monday, the day of departure from Stewart Island. Caught in a sandwich of light winds between systems, Rusalka motor-sailed for most of the day, until the wind filled from behind in the evening.